
Exceptionally Rare Exotic Animals That Are Good Pets

Even though cats have been kept as pets for hundreds of years and are among the most popular animals on the planet, some owners choose to maintain felines that are regarded as “exotic.” Taking care of these strange pets might offer you satisfaction and pride since they can be difficult to care for or need particular attention.

Therefore, the link between a person and an animal that is initially less receptive to humans is more valued, and caring for one of these cats, which is uncommon in captivity, is an even greater honor. Here are the weirdest cats kept as pets by certain individuals.


Jaguars are very large and deadly cats. Compared to lions and tigers, they are handled less often. They are also more difficult to acquire since most jaguar owners are licensed zookeepers. Jaguars need the same care as other large cats, such as lions and tigers, and a cover for their cage to prevent them from escaping.

Angling Cat

Cats with the name “fishing” like catching and eating fish. They are often fed fish and other small animals in captivity. In contrast, a water supply is an excellent way to enhance their life, as are any other methods employed for carnivores and cats of medium size.

People with private zoos sometimes keep fishing cats as pets, although it is uncommon for them to be maintained only as pets. Infrequently, they are sold in tiny amounts to the general public.


Salvador Dali liked to travel with Babou, an ocelot. He said that Babou was identical to a typical cat, indicating that at least one individual of this species makes an excellent companion. In the 1950s and 1960s, they were popular as odd pets. These cats have a roar-like growl that is a mating call.

When socialized as kittens, ocelots may be rather amiable despite their looks. Even if a few owners still own them, most are no longer available for purchase on the private market since they were formerly endangered. The last time they were evaluated, it was determined that they were of Least Concern. The law continues to protect them.

Desert Cat

Some persons who can import them keep sand cats as pets. A few persons also raise sand cats, with the majority refusing to sell to anyone without a USDA license. It is still difficult to maintain them as pets outside of zoos.

The sand cat is one of the tiniest wild cats in the world (next to the black-footed cat). Some sand cat owners claim that their pets squirt, although this behavior may cease if spayed or neutered. Even though sand cats are little and resemble house cats, they may be difficult for the ordinary pet owner to care for.

Some individuals are violent and dislike having much or any touch with others. Other sand cats may be friendly with their owners but apprehensive of outsiders. Sand cats may often hiss to communicate. They are not suitable for those who want friendly cats. Some individuals may remain tranquil if they spend much time with others, while others may never feel at ease in social situations.

Snow Leopard

Snow leopards were previously difficult to locate, but today they are much more elusive. It will be quite costly if one becomes available for purchase. In 1998, her missing husband, Don Lewis, purchased two snow leopards for the actress Carole Baskin, who appeared in Tiger King’s film.

This is a factor that must be taken into mind since these magnificent creatures like the cold. Although they are large and carry the moniker “leopard,” they are not nearly as menacing as you may believe. Since this cat inhabits cliffs, its cage should have stairs for climbing.


Clouded leopards are gorgeous, stocky cats about the size of domestic cats. They are becoming increasingly prevalent in private zoos. Some of them have sold for around $20,000, which is a substantial sum.

Even though they are referred to as “leopards,” they are much smaller and less deadly than leopards of the Panthera genus. Most of the time, these cats live in trees. Thus they should not be exposed to extreme temperatures. Clouded leopards are famous for their appearance, yet they are much smaller than other leopards.


Small and timid cheetahs are believed to be quite simple to handle despite being one of the largest cats. Cheetahs were often kept as “pets” in the past, mostly for recreational hunting. Cheetahs are difficult to reproduce in captivity because males like to congregate in groups, while females prefer solitude.

Even though they were maintained in captivity for a long period, they were often captured in the wild, which was detrimental in the long term. Insufficient genetic variety makes it difficult for cheetahs to survive in the wild. It is difficult to get cheetahs to reproduce in captivity, and capturing them in the wild is immoral.

Some individuals in the United States operate private cheetah zoos, while others who own cheetahs reside in nations with looser regulations. There are locations where cheetahs may be purchased and imported for a substantial sum, but only with authorization from such locations.